
There are many opportunities to grow in the Word and in community.
Click on the tabs below for more information on some of the different resources we offer at SDCF.

  • Chronicles-Logo

    You may have heard of the Chronicles of Narnia. Well, we at San Diego Christian Fellowship (SDCF) have our own “Chronicles.” We call them The Kingdom of God Chronicles.


    Sixteen lessons will take you through key passages in the Bible and serve as a travelogue for the spiritual kingdom into which Jesus invites all of us. In this journey of spiritual growth, a one-on-one coach would be your personal trainer in how Jesus can be number one in your life.


    No matter how much Bible you know, we guarantee that you will learn new things or revisit familiar ideas in fresh ways. In this mentorship experience,  you will delve into the gospel’s timeless call to repentance and faith.


    This opportunity is available for those who would like to make San Diego Christian Fellowship their home. In this pathway to church membership, the Chronicles are one of the features that make SDCF unique!  Come join one of our congregations on a Sunday morning to learn more.  Ready to dive in or have more questions?  Contact us at coachme@sdcfchurch.com

  • Club-1189-Logo-copy

    Our health is directly linked to our diet. And maximum spiritual health requires that we feed on every word that comes from the mouth of God. That’s what we have in the Bible! But high hopes and earnest efforts can fail to get us reading the Bible consistently. Accountability to a shared plan can tilt the scales toward success.

    Club 1189 exists to get us into the 1,189 chapters of the Bible.

    Club 1189(i)

    SDCF's Bible reading club is back for 2025!  What's new this year? With Club 1189(i) (Where the "i" stands for "independent") you have the freedom to choose whichever Bible reading plan you'd like.  Here's how you start:

    • Sign-up for Club 1189(i) 
    • Pick your reading plan (see our recommendations for Bible Reading plans here)
    • Read at your own pace
    • Check-in via a monthly email sent to you to log your reading
    • Finish the year strong!  Clubbers who check-in 9 out of 12 months of the year are recognized as Club 1189(i) finishers!
    Sign-up below to start the journey with us!

    Sign-Up for Club 1189(i)

    Whichever reading plan you pick for Club 1189(i), rest assured your investment into God's Word will pay dividends of grace in the year to come!