About Us

The North congregation of SDCF meets for worship weekly at our North campus facilities in Kearny Mesa.  We are a warm and welcoming multi-generational community made up of students, young professionals, families with children of all ages, empty nesters and every age group in between.  From our beginnings as a Filipino- American heritage church, the Lord has moved us towards a vibrant, multi-cultural identity which embodies the sense of family and warmth of our roots while embracing the beauty of our diverse surrounding communities. We are a congregation that cherishes the Word of God and longs to live out His truth in everything we say and do.  It’s our desire that everyone who walks in our door will encounter the love of Jesus Christ, so know that you are so welcome to join us. Whether you come rested or weary we know you will leave our fellowship refreshed!

Matt Amargo

Lead Pastor | Congregational Pastor

My hope for our North congregation is that we would grasp how completely we are loved by Jesus, and that we would love Jesus completely back. I pray the Lord will grow us into the people He wants us to be, living out our holy identities in all of life - at home, work, school, and wherever He calls us.

My hope is that we would be balanced in our response to God’s love.  That our devotion to Him would bear fruit in how we study His Word and how we live out His Word.  That our passion would be to take theology seriously, from the Sunday School room, to the board room, to the living room and every room in between.  That we would be in awe of God’s grace and see all others through the eyes of that grace.  May it be so in Jesus’ name!

My hope is that we would be people who cherish what His grace has brought us, as we live how He taught us, and look forward to the New Creation he will bring us.


Life Groups
Leader: Pastor Matt

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Nursery & Preschool

Leader: Heather Amargo

SDCF Kids (Elementary)
Leader: Levi Alegre

Jr. High & High School
Leader: Justin & Joyce Garcia

College & Career
Leader: Pastor Matt

Men’s Ministry
Leader: Andy Ibarra

Women’s Ministry

Leader: Camille Lustado

Outreach Team
Leader: Mark Ortiz

Giving Team
Leader: Hope Atuel

Kingdom of God Chronicles Discipleship Ministry
Leader: Monico Reyes

Media & Tech Team

Leader: Glen Jamir

Worship Team

Leader: Kimberly Somera

Hospitality Team

Leader: Alex Castrence & Abby Ibarra

Financial Deacon

Leader: Levi Lustado

Clerical Deacon

Leader: Levi Lustado

Facilities Deacon

Leader: Alex Castrence

Contact Us


5715 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 113

San Diego, CA 92123


Alternate Phone  (619) 354-7261 ext. 702

email  info@sdcfchurch.com

facebook facebook.com/sdcfchurch

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